Charas project
Charas project

Andthistimetheprojectiscalled:TheCharasCommunitybringsyouanotherchaingame,overtwoyearsinthemaking!CharasproudlypresentsAHeartofGold, ...,ThegamefeaturesandABSwhereyouuselimitedammoandtheliketoslaythehordesofzombies....ThisisaRPGM2k3projectusingal...

Charas, rpgmaker, the chara generator;RegistrationDate:2003-04-02T11:50:20Z;ExpirationDate:2026-11-02T03:59:59Z;,LLC;Registrar ...

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El Creador de CHARAS(Traducido por TRaFuGa)

And this time the project is called: The Charas Community brings you another chain game, over two years in the making! Charas proudly presents A Heart of Gold, ...


The game features and ABS where you use limited ammo and the like to slay the hordes of zombies. ... This is a RPGM2k3 project using a lot of the original RTP, ...

Charas Project

Charas Project is a community founded in 2003 by Alex. It's a community for game development with a focus on the rpg maker tools.

Charas Anthology by Charas Project

During the Fall of 2017 a writing competition was held at the Charas forum. Within this digital tome we have collected all the entries that was submitted.

Charas, rpgmaker, the chara generator

Domain Name: ; Registration Date: 2003-04-02T11:50:20Z ; Expiration Date: 2026-11-02T03:59:59Z ; Registrar URL:, LLC ; Registrar ...

CHARAS and The Reimagination of Loisaida

2020年10月13日 — Sponsored by Artmakers and CHARAS, this mural project comprised twenty six murals addressing six political issues: gentrification, police ...

The Chara Project Shop

Make a Donation to The Chara Project ... The Chara Project is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Donations may be tax deductible. EIN: 84-3819978.


Andthistimetheprojectiscalled:TheCharasCommunitybringsyouanotherchaingame,overtwoyearsinthemaking!CharasproudlypresentsAHeartofGold, ...,ThegamefeaturesandABSwhereyouuselimitedammoandtheliketoslaythehordesofzombies....ThisisaRPGM2k3projectusingalotoftheoriginalRTP, ...,CharasProjectisacommunityfoundedin2003byAlex.It'sacommunityforgamedevelopmentwithafocusontherpgmakertools.,DuringtheFallof2017...

FaceMaker 3.2 - 來給自己做一張卡通頭像吧!

FaceMaker 3.2 - 來給自己做一張卡通頭像吧!
